Broadcasting Companies in Malaysia
He also said RTM would bear the RM325 million US73m cost but hoped that private and government-linked companies can chip in. In East Malaysia there are several indigenous languages. Sgwh Tv Fictionaltvstations Wiki Fandom Channel 4 News Nbc Tv Tv On The Radio For further information please visit Official Website of Petronas or click here for the online application. . Note - Malaysia has 134 living languages - 112 indigenous languages and 22 non-indigenous languages. We Are Social 2019. Licenses related to the Oil Exploration Sector. Hearst Television Page Description. Average daily TV viewing time via broadcastingstreaming is 2 hours and 52 minutes and average daily time spent listening to streaming music is 1 hour and 18 minutes. Please refer to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commissions Official Portal MCMC for further information on the broadcasting sector. BCCI-Nimbus Prasar Bharati Case A...